Semen For Sale
We own our own Vapor shipper and it is available for use by anyone that purchases semen from us.
Shipping costs are paid for by the buyer.
We can typically arrange to deliver Semen Straws to the National Show.
Semen Price List
*B Algedi Farm DJ Higgs Boson (EVE 90) **DNA**
Straws: 5/$300 Height: 23 1/2" @ 5 years old Gold with White Markings Date of Birth: April 26, 2012 Alpha s1 Casein A/A Sire: ++*B GCH Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter (EEE 91) Dam: SGCH AGS Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M (EEVE 90) |
Higgs Boson Offspring
Higgs is constantly passing on extra wide rumps.
Linear Appraisal - Rump Width for Bisou is 37 & Hippie Chic is 32, both just two-years-old
Linear Appraisal - Rump Width for Bisou is 37 & Hippie Chic is 32, both just two-years-old
Wood Bridge Farm Valedictorian **DNA**
Straws: 5/$300 Height: 19" @ 20 months old Light Chamoisee with White Markings Date of Birth: April 13, 2016 Alpha s1 Casein A/A Sire: CH Wood Bridge Farm Understated Dam: CH Wood Bridge Farm Teachers Pet (ADGA National Junior Champion 2014) |
Valedictorian's full littermate sister won her two-year-old class at the 2018 ADGA National Show after being sold for a whopping $16,100 at the colorama sale in 2016. His dam was the 2014 National Junior Champion and his paternal Grand Dam, CH Wood Bridge Farm Belladonna was our ADGA National Champion in both 2014 and 2016. A pedigree just does not get any better than this!
Valedictorian Relatives
Hidden Hills Dirty Deeds *B **DNA**
Straws: 5/$300 Height: 24" @ three years Chocolate Date of Birth: April 17, 2018 Alpha s1 Casein A/A Sire: CH Algedi Farm DJ Higgs Boson *B (EVE 90) Dam: SGCH Bellafire BP Country Melody 7*M (EEEE 91) |
Deed's Family
Red looks to be consistently putting nicely attached udders on the his young daughters that we have begun to freshen
Castle Rock Red Hot Saracha **DNA**
Straws: 5/$300 Height: 23" @ 22 months old Gold with White Splash Date of Birth: February 8, 2016 Alpha s1 Casein A/A Sire: Castle Rock Moonraker Dam: GCH Castle Rock Sarafina 2*M (EEEE 92) |
Red's Offspring
Red looks to be consistently putting nicely attached udders on the his young daughters that we have begun to freshen
*B Alethia DJ Orion **DNA**
Straws: 5/$300 Gold Date of Birth: March 16, 2013 Alpha s1 Casein A/A Sire: ++*B GCH Algedi Farm Drops Of Jupiter (EEE 91) Dam: GCH Algedi Farm RK Stella Luna 4*M (VEVE 90) |
Orion bring very nice linebred genetics to the table, he is the progeny of two SGCH AGS Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M (EEVE 90) offspring.
*B Castle Rock Graupel
Straws: 5/$250 Height 23 1/2 at 3 years of age Dark Buckskin with White Splash Date of Birth: March 3, 2012 Alpha s1 Casein B/B Sire: +*B Castle Rock Cleveland Sage Dam: SGCH AGS CRF Castle Rock Blizzard 1*M (VEEE 91) |
For all you Castle Rock fans, Graupel comes from some of their best! His Sire has nine Champion daughters on the ground to date and his Dam has two, including GCH Castle Rock Black Ice (EEEE 92 @ 7yrs) and GCH Castle Rock Snownamie (VEEE 90). Snownamie is the dam to the ADGA 2015 National Champion, CH Castle Rock Flash Flood (VEEE 90)
Poppy Patch HB Honey Badger (+V+ 83 Age 1) **DNA**
Straws: 5/$250 Height: 24 1/2" @ 4 years old Dark Buckskin with White Splash Date of Birth: April 22, 2013 Alpha s1 Casein A/B Sire: Algedi Farm MB Honeymoon Bay Dam: Algedi Farm DJ Just Like Honey |
If you are looking to add SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey genetics to your breeding program, this is the guy to do it! He is tightly linebred on Tupelo with an Inbreed Coefficient of 38% and 12.5% of that on Tupelo Honey. We have Badger in our tank for this very reason with eager plans to use him in the near future!
*B Hidden Hills Trail Blazer **DNA**
Straws: 5/$250 Height: 24" @ 2 years old Gold with White Splash - Blue Eyes Date of Birth: March 15, 2016 Alpha s1 Casein A/A Sire: *B Algedi Farm DJ Higgs Boson (EVE 90) Dam: SG Gryphon ST Darlin' 7*M (VEEE 90) Darlin is #2 is the Nation in 2016 for Milk Volume, milking 1,491 pounds of milk in 323 days. She is also an ADGA 2017 Elite Doe. 2016 ANDDA Gold Juju Award for milk production. |
Dills XM Kid Rock (VVV 88 @ 2 yrs)
Straws: 5/$250 Height: 21"1/2 @ 2 years old Chocolate Date of Birth: August 6, 2010 Sire: Sugarcreek TW Tune's XM ++*B Dam: Dill's LD Remember (+E+V 86) |
Kid's most impressive daughter is Phoenix Farm Rock Candy who finished her championship and earned her superior genetics. At 3 years old on Linear Appraisal she scored an EEVE 91; a very impressive score for such a young doe! Rock Candy excels in general appearance and dairy strength with a buttery soft, well structured udder (you know, the kind that you catch yourself sighing over!). Count in the E in shoulders and V in rump, and Rock Candy was certainly the daughter that inspired us to add these genetics to the tank.
Castle Rock Rime *B (VVE 86 @ 5 yrs)
Straws: 5/$200 Height: 21" @ 5 years old Date of Birth: March 3, 2012 Sire: Castle Rock Cleveland Sage +*B Dam: SGCH AGS CRF Castle Rock Blizzard 1*M (VEEE 91) |
Rime is line bred on one of Castle Rock's earliest foundation does SnowflurryCeanothus; the dam of both Castle Rock Blizzard and Alum Root. Blizzard is a magnificent producer making Top Ten for milk production three different years. As a 5 year old Blizzard scored a VEEE 91 on Linear Appraisal. She is a well structured doe with a strong shoulder set and well balanced udder. She has a habit of passing on her lovely general appearance and dairy character to her offspring.
GCH Castle Rock Snownamie and GCH CRF Castle Rock Black Ice, two of Castle Rock's top does, are maternal half siblings to Rime.
What is there to say about Cleveland Sage... well quite simply by all accounts he is a once in a lifetime buck. We have watched as this buck has churned out daughters of the highest caliber. His daughters are well known for taking the show ring by storm, generally followed by the milk pail, and LA. To date, Cleveland Sage has 8 finished daughters and each of them have an udder that could make any goat lover swoon. It is easy to see Sage's dam represented in his daughters especially in udder structure and teat placement.
GCH Castle Rock Snownamie and GCH CRF Castle Rock Black Ice, two of Castle Rock's top does, are maternal half siblings to Rime.
What is there to say about Cleveland Sage... well quite simply by all accounts he is a once in a lifetime buck. We have watched as this buck has churned out daughters of the highest caliber. His daughters are well known for taking the show ring by storm, generally followed by the milk pail, and LA. To date, Cleveland Sage has 8 finished daughters and each of them have an udder that could make any goat lover swoon. It is easy to see Sage's dam represented in his daughters especially in udder structure and teat placement.