*B Alethia DJ Orion **DNA**
Date of Birth: March 13, 2013
Height: Not yet recorded, but within height limit Alpha s1 Casein A/A SS: ++*B AGS Rosasharn's UMT Hamachi (VVV 85) Sire: ++*B GCH Algedi Farm Drops Of Jupiter (EEE 91) SD: SGCH AGS Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M (EEVE 90) DS: AGS Copper Penny Royal Caliber Dam: GCH Algedi Farm RK Stella Luna 4*M (VEVE 90) DD: SGCH AGS Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M (EEVE 90) Extended Pedigree |
We know full well that bucks of this caliber don't come up for sale often, after all the sire is deceased and the dam is retired, so we were especially pleased to be able to partner with Wolfivan Ranch and Ilene's Rascals in the purchase of Alethia DJ Orion.
Orion is a son of the infamous Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter, who at current count has 9 permanent champion daughters on the ground. We love Jupiter so much that this is our second son of his we have brought on board at Hidden Hills (Orion is a half brother to our Higgs!). Jupiter was a special buck, a proven producer, competitive in the show ring, and high appraising himself: he was the total package. We really love these consistent genetics and are pleased to have more to work with in the coming years. Orion's dam Stella Luna is a treasured member of the Alethia herd, and one of their foundation does. Luna is now retired which makes Orion extra special! In her productive years Luna had an excellent mammary system with a very impressive udder arch, great udder height with good fore extension, |
and a proper medial. She earned a permanent LA score of VEVE 90 at 5 years old. Luna excelled in dairy character which lent to her lovely general appearance, something she has passed on to her daughters. Luna has two finished champion daughters, one of whom is a full sibling to Orion. CH Alethia DJ Written in the Stars, Orion's full older sister, earned a VEVE 89 on LA in 2016. She is one of Alethia's top does (and also the dam of our very own little Destiny). Written in the Stars took 5th place and 3rd place udder at the 2015 ADGA National show in a class of 30 beautiful does, and was also a part of the winning trio for Drops of Jupiter's Senior Get of Sire.
Orion will not be used for the 2017 breeding schedule, but we have tentative plans to utilize him in 2018. His genetics tie in very well with the rest of the herd and we look forward to seeing what he can do!
Orion will not be used for the 2017 breeding schedule, but we have tentative plans to utilize him in 2018. His genetics tie in very well with the rest of the herd and we look forward to seeing what he can do!
- Orion's full older sister Alethia DJ Written in the Stars finished her championship and earned a VEVE 89 on LA in 2016
- Orion is one of the last bucks sired by GCH Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter ++*B EEE91
Linear Appraisal
Udder Texture
General Appearance
Dairy Strength
Body Capacity
Mammary System
Final Score
We plan on having Orion Appraised in 2017. Stay tuned...
Orion's Sire
SS: ++*B AGS Rosasharn's UMT Hamachi (VVV 85)
Sire: ++*B GCH Algedi Farm Drops Of Jupiter (EEE 91) SD: SGCH AGS Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M (EEVE 90) |
*Photos Courtesy of Algedi Farm
GCH Algedi Farm Drops Of Jupiter
2011 Linear Appraisal – EEE 91 |
SGCH AGS Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M
2008 Fourth Freshening Udder |
Orion's Dam
DS: AGS Copper Penny Royal Caliber
Dam: GCH Algedi Farm RK Stella Luna 4*M (VEVE 90) DD: SGCH AGS Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M (EEVE 90) |
*Photos Courtesy of Alethia Homestead
Algedi Farm RK Stella Luna
Fourth Freshening Udder
Fourth Freshening Udder